Saturday, October 31, 2009

Commas in Lists

Isn't that last comma in a list still required? Isn't it, for example: "Chris, Dan, and Dave", rather than "Chris, Dan and Dave"? Or has this rule fallen prey to the dumbing down of our language?

Ain't it ever gonna stop?


Dan said...

I, unfortunately, vacillate on how the rule is, but, yes, I think there should be a comma right before the word 'and'.

I had an administrator asking me recently:

You want to ask the question "Do you put a period after the quotation marks or before the quotation marks in a sentence like this?".

I told him that the period should go after the quotation marks, though I'm not totally confident about what the hard and fast rule is. Feeling as though I should be the one with answers about these kinds of things in our school can be vexing at times...and exciting at the same time.

Christopher said...

I recall that the rule is/was that punctuation goes INSIDE the quotation marks. I however refuse to do so unless the punctuation is part of the quotation itself--but then I got a degree in math, not english.